Last week in Denver, over 2,000 educators descended upon Denver from all over the United States for the largest UnboundEd Standards Institute ever hosted.

As a first, full implementation of the One Learning platform for the nationally acclaimed educational equity and reform team UnboundEd, our team deployed a series of Professional Development course hubs with integrated content coordination and participant communication tools into the hands of 85+ training facilitators who guided district teams through a week of focused, rigorous learning, instructional practice analysis, and growth as educators.

While these educator teams logged in to engage with the day to day, facilitator-led instruction, content, and activities in rooms throughout the convention center, the One Learning platform tracked their coursework progress, provided access to all digital materials, integrated in diverse learning activities, and provided facilitators and program lead staff a view of all user activities and experience metrics.

Additionally, with a desire to create a continuum of support and ongoing contact with districts and schools that engage with one or more of their programs, UnboundEd utilized the community of practice tools to form educator-user groups for Math, ELA, Science, Literacy Development, and Leadership where lead instructional specialists from the UnboundEd team posed articles, blogs, and inquiry-sessions to create growing digital communities of educators who can now continue to engage and discuss and share with their facilitators, leadership teams, and the peers far beyond the event itself.

As premium account holders, these educator teams will now have additional materials, keynotes, webinars, resources, and invites threaded into their various community groups specific to the learning they’ve engaged in to date, and targeted via their profile data and ongoing use-trends.

The One Learning team was on-hand the entire week monitoring traffic on the system, providing direct facilitator and participant support, and responding in real-time to participant needs across each room with live-digital chat support on the platform.

Throughout the week, Learners generated:

Congratulations to the UnboundEd leadership teams, facilitators, and support staff for helping to create an astounding introduction of the Digital Ecosystem as a tool to help optimize and scale a powerful, digital learning platform in support of an exceptional PD program!

-One Learning Team
“We learn together”

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