A Bot Came Looking for a 2012 Version of Me Today…

In 2012, I had recently taken a new position with Navigation North Learning Solutions, and amongst my projects, I was asked to perform some research for the Smarter Balanced & PARCC teams to perform a high-level assessment and report on the readiness of public schools across all 50 states to move to digital standardized testing. […]
“Shall…we…find… the…area…of…a…circle?” asked Chat GPT-4.

Recently a team asked us to look at designing some training to help newer educators with the use of AI as a means to design more effective and diverse instructional sequences and activities for use in class with students. As part of a first foray we focused on some common instructional topics across a range […]
One Learning Platform Supports 2000+ Educators & 85 Facilitators at Largest PD Event to Date

Last week in Denver, over 2,000 educators descended upon Denver from all over the United States for the largest UnboundEd Standards Institute ever hosted. As a first, full implementation of the One Learning platform for the nationally acclaimed educational equity and reform team UnboundEd, our team deployed a series of Professional Development course hubs with […]
The Strange and Tricky Business of Promoting Change to Traditional Educator Development

It has been said that in order to change the future, one must trouble the present. Many of the teams we work with are in the business of engaging educators in ongoing skills development, professional growth, and adjusting instructional strategies and focus areas to address the changing demands of the classroom. For many of these […]
The LMS is Not the Swiss Army Knife of Digital Learning Some Would Have You Believe It Is

So many teams continue to expend valuable time and resources stacking and bolting together various, big LMS style tooling as a means to support and grow dynamic, ‘educator community of practice’ style learning and development initiatives favored in new blended PD models. But at some point if we are trying to create the types of […]
Some Say Yes, Others No….We Say Thank You to All

As we head into the holiday season and in particular Thanksgiving this week, we’d like to take a moment to pause and reflect on how wonderful it has been to engage new partners and be invited to work on their mission, engage their goals, and help promote the outcomes and impacts they strive to achieve […]
Moving Beyond the LMS; Innovative Programs Now Pushing for More Engaging Learning Design

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The One Learning Platform Launches a New Era of Digitally Enabled PD in California

The new California Educators Together statewide community of practice platform is now in full implementation across the Golden State with 165,000+ educator account holders logging in to access digital collections of learning resources, join community groups of similar educators, and engage in professional learning programs being led by various California Department of Education funded initiatives. […]
The Journey to Equal Rights; A Timely Effort to Examine New Perspectives with New Tools

We asked ourselves, how do we feasibly connect… 5 specific National Park & Monument sites, and a State Park located upon an island in the San Francisco Bay, a cohort of History and ELA educators from across the nation matched with digital curriculum coaches based in Lake Tahoe, a new series of tools and resources […]
Supporting Invention Ed., Canvas & International Zoom Mgt. All in One Day

Ever since signing on to support one specific project for the Lemelson MIT program, it’s been challenging to even come up for air to share some of their amazing work and projects that stretch across the globe. What started as a simple request to provide some technical consulting and support setting up and managing a […]